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Event PR Tools: Who Cares About Your Event?

I saw this at last night’s New York Tech Meetup: Event press releases usually get lost in the mass of PR spam that editors have to deal with. PR MatchPoint matches your press release or story pitch to editors or bloggers who are likely to actually be interested in your information. It looks at a database of articles to try and pick out keywords that match those in your release, then it tells you which editors are closely matched. Other people at the Meetup said that this was a lot like a tool called Cision. I’m not closely familiar with either of these sites so I can’t recommend them. But event PR is often an afterthought, because of the limited return for work done. These tools might make the effort more productive.

BTW: NY Tech Meetup now over 600 attendees SRO at a huge theater at FIT, growing monthly–amazing. See Meetup. Organizers apparently clueless on how to monetize this. Or maybe that’s why it’s successful.

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