What I’ve Been Working On
I‘ve tried hard to make B2BPresence at least a weekly part of my work. However, I’ve recently been very busy launching a new concept for business events at my company, Cnxtd Media Corp. Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows of my fascination with all forms of “hybrid events.” Hybrid events combine both live and webcast components, occur in real time, and involve direct person-to-person contact.
I’ve felt, for a long time, that there are inefficiencies in the traditional trade show/conference model that can be remedied through a judicious use of technology (nothing cutting edge) and a business model that reduces participants risk, can scale rapidly, and accommodates user-generated content.
The platform, which we call “Connected Events,” was spec’d out last year and pushed into development. At the same time, we began developing partnerships with business media companies for the launch of new events. Then a funny thing happened: The Dow went from 12,000 to 7,000 and almost everyone we were speaking with was either sidelined or downsized.
We’re back on the path now, with two events scheduled. More announcements are forthcoming in a couple of months. I promise it will be very exciting. Stay tuned.