
Posts Tagged ‘Apple’

Apple Out of Macworld, With Good Reason

December 16th, 2008 No comments

A couple of events-related Apple announcements came out this week regarding their participation at events. Apple’s dropping out of Macworld. Also, previously, Apple Expo Paris was canceled. The speculation about this is funny. The issue is alignment. Here’s why they dropped:
* IDG makes a lot of money off Macworld. Apple doesn’t.
* Apple can’t control the user experience at Macworld. IDG does.
* Apple has over 250 stores now. They probably interface with more clients in a day than Macworld get once a year.
* IDG is a business publisher. Attendance at Macworld is prosumer/consumer/enthusiast.
* IDG is where events go to die. (Ask me for a list.)
* There’s no Macworld without Apple, and Apple knows it.
Look for Apple to be the lead keynote/product announcement at CES next year, or look for the launch of the coolest new event to hit the business world in a long time, produced by Apple.

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